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This course can no longer be booked.
EndedEndedHeatherleigh Avenue
150 Canadian dollars
About the program
You will learn the Sarvangasana Series (5 inverted asanas), Spinal Twist Variations (3 asanas) and Mandukasana (a balancing asana). We will start by practicing and correcting the asanas learned in the beginners workshop, then move into learning and integrating the advanced postures. Practice Requirements: Age 14+ Intensity Level - Medium 1 x Sessions 3.45 hrs each ***MUST HAVE DONE THE BEGINNERS PROGRAM*** Refund Policy for Cancellations No Refunds due to Covid-19. Precautions: Pregnant women or individuals with hernia should not practice Yogasana. Consult a physician before practicing if you have the following conditions: -Back, neck, hip, or leg disease -Injury -Artificial joint replacement -Heart disorder
Contact Details
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